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    To conclude, this was a very interesting project. We learned how to use the pH indicators and it was really fun to do that. The easiest part was checking the pH of the substances. There was nothing difficult in this experiment. What we would probably change next time would be to organize better and write in a more organized way out data. What we liked the most was checking the pH of the little indicators in the colors chart. 


    Our hypothesis was right in some parts, but wrong in others. We thought that soapy water would be base, but I don't know why it came out as an acid maybe we did something wrong because our chemistry teacher told us it was supposed to be a base). Also, we thougt vinegar was a base, but it came out as 2 so it was actually very acid. Even though we were wrong in some parts, it was really fun learning all these things about the pH scale and the indicators. 

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